What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium funding was introduced in April 2011. It is additional funding provided by the Department for Education to close the attainment gap between pupils from low income families and their peers. It is allocated to schools with pupils on roll who are known to have been eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years, are Children Looked After (in the care of the Local Authority) or who have a parent serving in the Armed Services.
We recognise that not all children who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and we also recognise that not all children that are disadvantaged have free school meals.
We allocate Pupil Premium funding to support any child we have identified as being socially disadvantaged and should be making better progress.
We arrange teaching and learning to meets the needs of all children in the best way possible.
We ensure that appropriate provision is made for children who belong to vulnerable groups and that socially disadvantaged children have their needs adequately assessed and met.
Details of the Aspire allocation of pupil premium are detailed below
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-25